Tag field trip

Where Did Summer Go?

Buckled in and ready

Time sure does fly! Our summer came and went in the blink of an eye and everything seemed to have been done within a 4 week period! LOL

The Start

The start to our summer was nice and mellow, swim classes in the morning, swim team session in the afternoons.  Dublin had to be at his swim team session at a particular time which narrowed where we could be for our field trips.  Almost everything I had was going to put us far from home and we couldn’t be stuck in traffic L.A. traffic nor did I want a wiped out kid.  Our outing options narrowed QUICKLY and my list from Planning Summer Break went out the door.

We did manage to go to the park twice! Thanks to my SIL (sister-in-law) Alba and my friend, Jodi. Don’t worry though we did manage to get out of the house and drive around town, mainly for business but we were out and I tried to make it fun.

Traveling and Swim Meets

In between swim and and business we did manage some traveling. Sean and I took a weekender to North Carolina to visit friends and eat lots of BBQ. BBQ was AMAZING and would definitely fly out just for that.

whole hog at Picnic North Carolina

PHOTO: Whole hog being picked apart literally at Picnic in North Carolina

Right after that we were home for a few days to get us to our first swim meet.  The swim meet was part of the LA 84 Foundation, they are recognized nationally for supporting youth sport programs.  Dublin was given a scholarship to train and attend the meets for free.  If we miss the meets he’s not invited back, period! For our first event he got 3rd in Butterfly, 5th in Freestyle and 6th in Backstroke, all events were 25 yards so they were a good starter.

1st swim meet at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach

PHOTO: This was Dublin’s 1st swim meet at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach, CA. Pictured here with his medal and 2 ribbons.

A few days later we’re off on a family and friends vacation to Acapulco! Couldn’t beat the price we got, $420 for 8 days in a private resort. This was not per day, full week! However, this vacation was right before a 2nd swim meet that Dublin had so he had to practice in the pool while guests were enjoying their time.  Dublin practiced for an hour everyday before he could have his fun time.  Enjoy the photos of our trip below.

Planning Summer Break

CD cover to Alice Cooper's School's Out

Oh my lord! Dub is officially out of 1st grade at 1pm today, 6/14.  I’ve been working on my 168 hours to schedule my work, his school work, play and field trips. Yes he’s getting school work, we have a membership at education.com and he’s going to keep doing something so he doesn’t forget what he’s learned.

Usie shot at Legoland

PHOTO: Usie shot at Legoland

Dub’s breakdown

His breakdown will consist of math, writing, reading, typing and maybe music.  He likes reading so we’ll continue that during the summer, but, I’m upgrading him to harder chapter books. The class was also typing reports and I think typing may help him put thought to “paper” faster.  Thus far all my sheets will come from education.com as well as the typing.  The website has a typing “game” that will help with key strokes.

Music is a maybe, I haven’t decided if I should just let him mess with the piano, teach him a tune or teach him to read music. Regardless this is up in the air because he also love LEGOs and maybe I’ll have him build some things as a challenge. I found some LEGO challenges so we’ll see.

This last week of homework was a lot of double digits subtraction and addition along with algebra so I’ll be guiding him towards that with math.

My partial schedule for 168 hours

PHOTO: My partial schedule for 168 hours

My breakdown

I’m leaving my Tuesday and Thursdays as shopping days for my online sales.  Usually I have a limited time to shop because I have to be home in time to pick Dub up from school. With him coming along he’ll 1) learn what I do during the day for our businesses 2) he can help me source what is “cool” with the kids that may be a potential item for the store. These days will also be for scheduling lunch appointments and networking.  I do bring him to my networking events so he can learn how to network, meet people and discuss business.


I’m leaving Friday’s as our field trip days and more shopping, field trips will include eating destinations I’ve been wanting to stop by at like Churroholic!  Now I have no excuse to skipping lunch, I have another body with me to feed.

Here is a list of places we may visit if my plans work out to schedule things.

  1. Mulligans (mini golf)
  2. Los Angeles Public Library
  3. Seaside Lagoon
  4. LA Zoo
  5. Exposition Park
  6. Dave and Busters
  7. Chuck E. Cheese
  8. Long Beach Aquarium
  9. Summer Movies – Regal, Cinemark
  10. Bowling – check out this site to see if your bowling alley is listed for kids bowling free.
  11. El Dorado Nature Center
  12. Sky Zone
  13. Bounce U
  14. Johns Incredible Pizza
  15. Santa Ana Zoo
  16. Discovery Cube Los Angeles or Orange County
  17. Boomerang

168 Hours

Are you aware that you actually have 168 hours a week to accomplish anything and everything you want if you plan it right? Yeah neither did I until I picked up the audio book for Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think*.  See I gave you a tip right there, no time to read, listen to a book.  As you can see above I am still working on it.

*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Busy Busy Mommy

Elisa, Sean and Dub after Dance Recital

This week Dub had lots of things going on that I forgot to prep my post! He’s out of school next week I’m trying to figure out a work/outing/teaching schedule, as well as running our Amazon store, shuffling him to Dance and Swim Monday through Friday… it’s been hectic.  Thank goodness for Sean that he can shuffle him to swim on some days and help out with Amazon stuff.

Natural History Museum Map

PHOTO: Natural History Museum Map

Field Trip

This week I volunteered to go with Dub class to their field trip to the Los Angeles Natural History Museum.  I’ve been there countless times. I practically grew up in the museum since we were there every weekend when I was growing up.  I was assigned the boys of the class, 5 7 year olds!  We had about 3 hours for them to see everything in there and thankfully I new where things were!

We hit the African animals exhibit, the North American Animal exhibit, the dinosaurs, we zipped through the Los Angeles History, literally we just walked in and walked out so we could get to the Nature Lab with all the bugs.  What boy doesn’t like bugs, right? We got through it all in time for lunch and then they say, “let’s see the rocks!”. What?! Boys want to see gemstones? uh hmm, I was not expecting that so after lunch we had time to go back in to see ROCKS before we met the rest of the class at the designated area.  LONG DAY… and it gets longer.

Swim Team

Dub was asked to join the swim team as part of the LA84 Foundation.  Registration started same day as the field trip and first swim session was later that evening! Poor Dub, walking the field trip and now the swim team later, I know he was BEAT and then…

Dub and his dance teacher Anne Pennypacker

PHOTO: Dub and his dance teacher Anne Pennypacker

Dance Recital

Tuesday, he had a dance recital where he performed in 4 pieces with most of the dancers Anne Pennypacker teaches.

Her classes are through the parks and rec for Long Beach, Los Alamitos and Seal Beach.  We bounce between all of these depending what Dub wants to dance and what city is offering the class.  Los Alamitos does charge extra for “non residents” so that’s a bit of a downer.  Dub wants to try tap next fall so we’ll see how he feels then about it and that shiny shirt, he now wants to wear it everyday! NO!

Hope you enjoyed this post of what has been going on for my 2 days, quick and hopefully short.

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.