Hustles, 2nd Job, Plan B, extra income.
Do I dare ask how “the hustle” became to be the word we use? The definition isn’t exactly the best to describe a legit business a person is trying to do to earn extra income. Webster dictionary describes it as
Here is a little story about the history of the word from Merriam
Although “hustle” sounds better than part time job and even better, you are now an ENTREPRENEUR!
In my defense
A lot of people I know have LEGIT hustles. I realized the meaning of this word as I start a new hustle, yeah, yeah, another one but in my defense I was trying to find an appropriate “Swim Mom” t-shirt for myself and couldn’t find one. My natural instinct is to just create it, thus, I made a whole line of Swim Parent/Family t-shirt and well side hustle created. I’ll be adding a few more designs and quotes I like so stay tuned to the CafePress.
Why stop there?
CafePress is not the easiest to create a store in but that’s where I started. If there is one, there are others so these designs are going to other CafePress style stores since people like various shopping options. Dub also wants a “team Dub” shirt and he wants us all to wear red so that he can see us in the stand during his swim meet. Cool, Mommy can make that happen!
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